We talk about building strategic partnerships that can profit your business and how we can be a part of that equation. We also think it’s important to share our belief in another type of special relationship that brings benefits beyond profits: our relationship to society. As our prosperity grows so does our moral obligation to improve the conditions of the system that helped us to succeed. We believe we share a “linked prosperity” with our employees and those in our community and have shifted our business model to incorporate that belief.
Our corporate citizenship initiative includes working with the Kankakee County Training Center for the Disabled, Inc. in Bradley, Illinois. K.C.T.C. operates a non-profit business whose mission is to provide adults with developmental disabilities the opportunity to acquire skills necessary to become more productive, contributing members of their community. The people who receive services from K.C.T.C. are called consumers. The Kankakee County Training Center has two vocational buildings, which house the contract work and the consumers to complete these jobs. The consumers are trained and paid to complete the jobs we’ve contracted to have completed within a specific timeframe. Under the supervision of K.C.T.C.’s directional trainers, consumers learn how to sort materials, perform light assembly tasks, collate, and package goods into cartons then shrink wrap.
Part of our American heritage is being part of building strong communities and is a socially conscious investment we feel is worth making. To learn more about our business relationships, check out our process that supports our OEM leaders.